It has been a great - and busy - weekend participating in Bloggiesta. What a fabulous event and so well hosted by Natasha of Maw Books. I learned quite a bit and got some work done on my blog (but not as much as I had hoped . . .). First up some stats:
Total Hours Spent: 24 hours - many of them in airport lounges waiting for flights home. A non traditional blogging locale, but it worked!
Mini Challenges Completed: (*= challenge from last bloggiesta)
- Rebecca from The Book Lady’s Blog – 2010 Resolutions. You know you got them!
- Pam from MotherReader - Blogging is about community, so check out this Comment Challenge
- Chelle from Tempting Persephone – You have some great content. But can people find it? Here’s showing off the best of the best.
- Danielle from There’s a Book – Blogging takes time & I’m sure we’d all love to blog faster. Using a cheat sheet is just one idea of how to save time.
- Michelle from GalleySmith – Anchor text. How to make the most out of your link love **
- Ruth from Bookish Ruth – Have you ever had your blog anaylzed? Now’s the chance! **
- Emily from Emily’s Reading Room – On vanity alerts.**
- Beth from Beth Fish Reads – Creating list and opinion posts**
- sprucing up blog layout - especially working on sidebars
- Had my blog analyzed on Website Grader - I only got a 38 which was demoralizing but at least I know where I stand and have baseline from which to improve. I will have to study more about how the score is derived so I can target future improvements
- learning and implementing tips on staying current with my blog and others posts
- Listed my blog on Fyrefly’s Book Blog Search Engine Index Page.
- Linked this week's reviews on Saturday Review of Books
- Created a cheat sheet on google docs (gotta love google)
- Found 10 New Blogs through the comment challenge hosted by Mother Reader
- Added ScribeFire to my Firefox browser so I can opitmize my blogging
-Set up Google Alerts on my blog name and URL
- write up reviews for books already read so that I can have some posts in reserve for busy
- plan some blog topics/events/themes for 2010
Loved Bloggiesta! Can't wait for the next one!
I think you deserve bonus points for completing the Bloggiesta while traveling!
ReplyDeleteScribefire looks flipping sweet. That's the one thing I miss in my switch over to Google Chrome - the extensions aren't nearly as awesome or varied as Firefox's add ons. I'm going to have to poke around and see if anyone has created a blogging extension for Chrome.
That sounds like a great way to spend your time in an airport! You got a lot done!
ReplyDeleteYou accomplished an amazing amount of work while on the road! Congratulations on a productive Bloggiesta!
ReplyDeleteYou did really well! WooHoo!
ReplyDeleteDoing the Bloggiesta while you were traveling, totally makes you the superstar of the weekend!!! I'm amazed. Fantastic. And good luck with your future blogging!