I will update this post throughout the day . . . .
Hour 8 Update
Finally my first book is done! I finished Silver Girl by Elin Hildebrand (about 156 pages read - I had already started this one). Other than that, I took a walk to donate some books at the Book Cellar (and picked up a few books - couldn't resist!) I also stopped off at the Farmer's Market on the way home for some berries to have with yogurt as a snack plus some vegetables for dinner later. While out on this excursion, I listened to The Story Hour by Thrity Umrigar. Felt good to get outside in the fresh air and to move (I got about 5,000 steps in so will need another walk later to reach my 10K for the day)
Now I am moving on to Her Name is Rose by Christine Breen - this is another book I had already started and will see if I can polish it off during the Readathon.
How is your Readathon going?
1) What fine part of the world are you reading from today?
NYC - a cold NYC, I will add. 38 degrees at 8 am at the end of April!!
2) Which book in your stack are you most looking forward to?
Looking forward to finally finishing Silver Girl by Elin Hilderbrand - I started it over a month ago but have been flitting between other books. This one is light and a great pick for the readathon so I am going to polish it off this morning.
3) Which snack are you most looking forward to?
Already fired up the espresso maker and had my first latte - looking forward to delicious caffeine infusions!
4) Tell us a little something about yourself!
I have been blogging for almost 6 years (wow)! and though I have flagged a bit with blogging of late, I do love the readathon and am glad to participate again this year,
5) If you participated in the last read-a-thon, what’s one thing you’ll do different today?
More movement - by the end of a day of just sitting still things start to ache so I am going to make an effort to move as much as possible. My dog will need walking so I plan to get out a few times for a little while and bring an audiobook along.