Time: 12:40
Hours Reading: about 2 (been blogging, commenting, twittering etc)
Reading: I Know I Am, But What Are You?
Pages Read: 148
Mini-Challenges: None (so far)
When I did Read A Thon in April, I thought it lent itself well to fund raising and planned to read to raise money for the next one - but I forgot until I saw Teresa at Shelf Love's Read a Thon post where she announces that she is raising money during the read a thon for highschool classroom library projects.
So, a few hours into the read a thon, I am announcing that I will be donating $.10 per page read during the read a thon to The Colon Cancer Alliance. My Dad was diagnosed with colon cancer a number of years ago and fortunately is doing well now but I am acutely aware of the risks posed by this disease and the importance of early, effective screening.
How can you help?
Comment - for every comment received during the read a thon, I will donate $.10 to CCA.
Back to reading!
Hour 12 Update
Time: 7:05
Hours Reading: uncertain thanks to nap of indeterminate length mid-day
Reading: Night
Finished: I Know I Am, But What Are You?
Pages Read: 239
$$ raised: $24.80
Mini-Challenges: None (so far)
wow - 12 hours in - I haven't accomplished much thanks to my nap but with dinner on board I am ready to burn the midnight oil. Here is a quick summary of my read a thon experience so far:
1. What are you reading right now? Night
2. How many books have you read so far? 1
3. What book are you most looking forward to for the second half of the Read-a-thon? More books and late night silliness!
4. Did you have to make any special arrangements to free up your whole day? Moved everything to tomorrow - something tells me I may be too tired for all that tomorrow!
5. Have you had many interruptions? How did you deal with those? No interruptions except my need to sleep
6. What surprises you most about the Read-a-thon, so far? I love that in addition to non-stop reading, participants are doing tons of blogging, commenting and twittering
7. Do you have any suggestions for how to improve the Read-a-thon next year? Have a commenting mini-challenge earlier in the event
8. What would you do differently, as a Reader or a Cheerleader, if you were to do this again next year? Try to rest more the day before
9. Are you getting tired yet? So far, so good (thanks to nap!)
10. Do you have any tips for other Readers or Cheerleaders, something you think is working well for you that others may not have discovered? I am sure others have discovered this but varying my location and taking frequent breaks is helping me pace myself and not burn out!
Remember - for every comment I receive, I will donate $ .10 to Colon Cancer Alliance so keep those comments coming!
Hour 15 Update

The above is a "wordle" - this is new to be but it is the subject of the Hour 15 Mini-Challenge hosted by Reading Through Life. The website creates a word cloud for you with the content of a blog post you submit or any other collection of words. My wordle was created with the content of my post on the best places to read in NYC. Check out the mini challenge and the wordle website and have fun with your word collection!
Time: 10:30
Hours Reading: uncertain thanks to nap of indeterminate length mid-day (estimate 5 hours)
Reading: Night
by Elie Wiesel My bookshelves need some major organization - I cannot find my copy of Night so I have moved on to The Corrections: A Novel
which I have about 1/3rd left to finish
Finished: I Know I Am, But What Are You?
by Samantha Bee
Pages Read: 314
$$ raised: $32.30
Mini-Challenges: Wordle - see above
Hour 20 Update
I can't believe I made it this late - I was flagging a bit about 2 hours ago but I got a second wind and I was able to push through it. Here is my summary so far:
Time: 4:10 AM
Hours Reading: uncertain thanks to nap of indeterminate length mid-day (estimate 8 hours)
Reading: Nothing right now - debating whether I can start something else or just go to bed
Finished: I Know I Am, But What Are You?
by Samantha Bee
The Corrections: A Novel by Jonathan Franzen
Pages Read: 459
$$ raised: $45.90
Mini-Challenges: Wordle and Non-Fiction Read a Thon
I hate to miss any action but I think I am out for a few hours - need to sleep. Might try to catch the final hour in the AM (oh right, this is the AM - I mean later AM)

Hour 15 Update
The above is a "wordle" - this is new to be but it is the subject of the Hour 15 Mini-Challenge hosted by Reading Through Life. The website creates a word cloud for you with the content of a blog post you submit or any other collection of words. My wordle was created with the content of my post on the best places to read in NYC. Check out the mini challenge and the wordle website and have fun with your word collection!
Time: 10:30
Hours Reading: uncertain thanks to nap of indeterminate length mid-day (estimate 5 hours)
Finished: I Know I Am, But What Are You?
Pages Read: 314
$$ raised: $32.30
Mini-Challenges: Wordle - see above
Hour 20 Update
I can't believe I made it this late - I was flagging a bit about 2 hours ago but I got a second wind and I was able to push through it. Here is my summary so far:
Time: 4:10 AM
Hours Reading: uncertain thanks to nap of indeterminate length mid-day (estimate 8 hours)
Reading: Nothing right now - debating whether I can start something else or just go to bed
Finished: I Know I Am, But What Are You?
The Corrections: A Novel by Jonathan Franzen
Pages Read: 459
$$ raised: $45.90
Mini-Challenges: Wordle and Non-Fiction Read a Thon
I hate to miss any action but I think I am out for a few hours - need to sleep. Might try to catch the final hour in the AM (oh right, this is the AM - I mean later AM)

Looks like you are doing a great job so far. Keep it up!
ReplyDeleteSo glad you decided to join in the fund-raising--and for a great cause with a personal connection!
ReplyDeleteThe party’s starting to pop
ReplyDeleteAnd you’re already having fun.
Don’t let the momentum stop
And get some reading done!
Great job so far! :)
1, 2, 3, 4
ReplyDeleteHope your book isn’t a bore
5, 6, 7, 8
And your readathon is going great!
I'm happy to read your dad is doing well now. This is a wonderful idea. Good luck and ENJOY!
ReplyDeletelove the donation idea! Good luck pushing through the night!!
ReplyDeleteHere’s your Midway Cheer:
ReplyDeleteReadathon-ers ready
Readathon-ers set
Readathon-ers reading now
No way you can stop yet!
Best immediate gratification for a cheer all day! Night was one of the toughest books I ever read emotionally, so good luck with it!
A thought to mull over: “The best of a book is not the thought which it contains, but the thought which it suggests; just as the charm of music dwells not in the tones but in the echoes of our hearts.” -- John Greenleaf Whittier
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your reading!
The hour grows late
ReplyDeleteMy cheers are lame
Hope you’re still reading
And your eyes aren’t aflame!
North to South
ReplyDeleteand East to West
Readathon Readers
Are the Best!
Sea to Sea
and Coast to Coast,
Readathon Readers
have Read the Most!
And you will read 500 pages
ReplyDeleteAnd you will read 500 more
Just to be the one who reads 1000 pages
I won’t let you start to snore
Congrats on raising the money and reading the pages! Fantastic!
Fantastic idea integrating a great cause in with the readathon! Good luck staying up tonight and enjoy your books!
ReplyDeleteLove that you are reading for a cause! Keep up the great reading! You're doing great! The great books will no doubt help til late! :o)
ReplyDelete-Your friendly Read-a-thon Cheerer "Danielle" aka The1stdaughter from There's A Book
Reading for a good cause! Keep it up!
ReplyDeleteI love that you have decided to also make this read a thon a fund raiser. It makes it extra special to stop in and cheer you on and know I am helping out a cause.
ReplyDeleteYou are doing a great job, keep up the good work.
Happy reading!
What a fantastic cause! Well done to you. I hope you raise lots of money!
ReplyDeletewow, you're doing great!!!